Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Uniform vs. Uniformity

Yet again the question is raised... can the young salvos of today, especially Generation Y, be committed to wearing Salvation Army uniform? It's a monster question that raises its' head along with the endless cycle of debate around brass bands, timbrels, relevance of methods, social vs ministry etc...

Of course it's not young people who are asking the question (sorry), they aren't asking it because they don't see the relevance. Young people love uniforms, there's no doubt! Young people love to express themselves... uniform was designed partially as a visual expression of the Salvation Army, a way for people to align to a belief 'subculture'. Look at a young person on a night out and you see an expression of their personal style, their tastes, their subculture... have a look at their myspace page to see (& hear) their cultural "evangelizing", promoting their unique tastes and sharing their worldviews.

So open the wardrobe of the loudest and gutsiest young Salvos... in it you'll find red shields, modified uniform jackets, salvo badges (shameless plug).. all screaming "I AM THE SALVATION ARMY". Their everyday clothes carry an expression of their do-or-die faith, an affiliation to their movement and a commitment to a world-winning cause.

Salvos care so much about uniform-wearing because it communicates who we are.... or does it? Are we on about communicating? or is it really about uniformity?
I love wearing salvo uniform... but the 'official' uniform is understated and too 'respectable'... Navy blues look smart and different enough for people to take notice... but lets get practical, down here in AUS where we wear white shirts most of the year, we tend to look more like security guards than anything else!! (due to the white "S" on each shoulder being the most visible logo on the uniform). Slap an inoffensive, unobtrusive logo on a polo shirt, a jacket... does that better communicate The Salvation Army for all to see?....

NO! ...emblazon the red shield on my clothing (full-front, in-yer-face red t-shirt) and I'll be happy! the shield is recognized world-wide, it opens doors... people know you're a salvo from 500m away! Anything I do while wearing my red shirt is burned into the retinas of community members, as THE work of the Salvation Army.

I love wearing my uniform. It's an extension of my burning heart for this movement and the mission it represents... Transforming lives, caring for people, making disciples and reforming society... in the name of Jesus. What an awesome responsibility, to represent God and our movement. I believe we can trust our young people with that... no matter what it looks like.


james said...

Im with u jo!

too many of our leaders dont understand it! what about booth tucker who went to india and wore all that weird stuff to fit in?

how many young people wear suits when theyre out and about? answer: NONE! so why should we? because its nice? because its the way it is? because someone tells us to? its stupid!!!

ur title hits it on the head. are we playing army games or trying to get people saved?

Anonymous said...

yes white shirts, I have had people open their shopping bags in shops to show me as they think I am a security guard. I constantly get asked for assistance in other stores when wearing my vest with the non-intrusive logo on the front (we dont stand out) I even got asked to direct the traffic at an accident scene in my white shirt uniform.

Yes lets get relevent. Lets get real.... even the cost of the navy uniform puts it way out of the touch of many new converts... lets pull down the barriers.

Lets be relevent rather than worrying if people are wearing the right shade of pantyhose..

Johnny said...

I normally run away from the tired uniform debate at great speed: I've been hearing it all my life, BUT I like your post here, Jo.

Certainly ressonates with me.

Peace & Blessings


Captain Andrew Clark said...

Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen.

Bless you Jo...hope the training is going well.

yours under Christ and over the devil,

Andrew C

Lieutenant Jo said...

Thanks Andrew, actually college and life in general are fairly crappo at the moment. I feel like elaborating profusely about how yuck it all is, but thats probably not helpful.
I'd really appreciate your prayers (that goes for the rest of you too...)

Amy said...

Jo, Your awesome :)

Dad was saying the other day.. That all you cadets have to do is get through these two years of training then you can do what you like (within reason of course) You can go out evangalising when you want, you can preach the way you want and you can pretty much run things they way you think is best.

Stay strong Jo! only a bit over a year left!

Hope your doing ok :) love and prayers

Captain Andrew Clark said...

Do ya remember what I told you about Elisha??

Lieutenant Jo said...

"take me with you Elijah!!!!!!!"

*runs after the chariot, hoping to catch a lift outta here*

...I remember about Elisha, be humble, years of prep. not wasted etc.

I hope you can understand, but right now that makes me think "blergh!"

that medicine tastes yukky.

CheekyUkie said...

boy you should have seen the reaction I recieved when I made salvo green 'red' shields for our youth event t-shirts on St Patricks Day this year... my young people actually loved it cause it really did make them stand out, and they still wear it today along with their red sheild t-shirts.

And it's funny too cause I always get mistaken as a security guard at my local court by people haha.

Anyways I better go and put my cape on and fly off - up up up and awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Stop The Traffik